Statistics and Analytics

Site stats show detailed analytics about how many visitors your site gets, where they are coming from, and which pages they have visited. Analyzing this customer information can help you make more informed decisions to improve your site and your business.


Enabling tracking cookies adds a tracking code to the page source.

We record and display full statistics for your site, per device, so you can view exactly what users are doing on desktop, tablet, and mobile. To view all of your stats, from the dashboard, click Stats.

If you are not seeing any statistics, likely a user has not yet visited the site. If you are using a mobile-only site, ensure the redirect is installed and is redirecting users to the correct site.


Stats take 24 hours to update.

Stats Selection

At the top of the page, type the site name in the field, and select a time period you would like to see stats for.

Stats Tabs Summary

The various stats fields in the stats dialog display different information about the site.

Summary of the stats details.

Content Data

Breakdown of visits according to pages.


Visitors by device, as well as information about visits and page views.

Traffic Sources

Ways that visitors got to the site.

Browsers & OSs

Which browsers and operating systems visitors were using.


Where visitors were in the world when they visited.


Performance of activated Personalization rules.


In the left panel, click Overview to see key information such as user interaction and total visits to your site. This allows you to ensure your site is healthy and active.

To print the overview stats, on the right side, click Print. To save as a PDF, select Save as PDF from the Destination drop-down in the Print dialog.


Only overview stats can be downloaded as a PDF.

Content Data

In the left panel, click Content Data to see the pages that are visited the most. Based on your site's layout, this provides information about what your visitors are searching for. If they visit a page more often than another, you may consider making that page more engaging or informative.


In the left panel, click Engagement to see a deep view of the exact actions your users take. You can see when and how many times users have called you, or find out which coupon is being used the most. This information allows you to further optimize your site so visitors take advantage of your business features more often and effectively.

Traffic Sources

In the left panel, click Traffic Sources to see information about how visitors are accessing your site. Do most visitors type in your address directly? Or do they find you by search? This can affect how you run your marketing and site in many ways. For example, if search traffic is low, try targeting new or more relevant keywords.

Direct traffic indicates when someone types in your site URL to access your site directly. Referral traffic indicates when a visitor clicks a link from another site to access your site. Organic traffic indicates when your site was found on a search results page.

Browsers & OSs

In the left panel, click Browsers & OSs to see what type of browser and operating system your site visitors are using.


In the left panel, click Geolocation to see the Country, State, and City your visitors are located in when they visit your site. The more you know about your visitors, the more you can provide relevant and engaging information when they visit your site.

Advanced Event Statistics

We track multiple events. The following events display in your analytics dashboard:

  • Click-to-Call

  • Click-to-Email

  • Click-to-SMS

  • Mobile Map

  • Coupon Clicks

  • OpenTable reservations

  • Form submissions

When adding a Google Analytics ID to a site, these events are automatically tracked in your Google Analytics account as well.


In the left panel, click inSite to see the performance of active Personalization rules you have created. Learn which Personalization rules have the most engagement and by which device.

To learn more about how to create Personalization rules, see Personalization Rules.

Manage Stats Digest

To stop receiving stats emails, unsubscribe within the email itself, or change the email frequency to Do not send me stat emails.

Last updated

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